Hosting simply speaking is the computer that "serves" your web site to the internet. For a web site to be accessible to the world, it must be on a special computer called a server. That server (or web server) must always be powered on, functioning correctly and connected to the internet so that your website is available to anyone at any time around the world.
When TCRM host your web site you can rest assured that your data is stored in a secure place, hosted on our own servers. We used to publish reliability figures but to be honest down times were so low it looked like we made them up (we didn't). So if your in Bridgend or anywhere else TCRM can host you site.
These are the facilities we use:
- Our data centres are located within secure compounds with 3-metre fencing and electric entry , including anti-tailgating systems.
- Entry to the buildings is via 24/7 swipe card systems, with 6-layer entry and 24/7 on-site Security.
- 2 megawatt on-site substation
- Dual AKSA 1.6 megawatt generator connected via C&N ATS systems
- N+1 PowerWave UPS system
- N+1 Airedale Air Handling system
- 22°C +/- 2°C data floor temperature
- BGP4 Juniper routed network
- Multiple high-availability protocols to allow near hitless failover of all core routers and switches
- Diverse feeds to the data centres

So, your web sites will be available to your customers as near to
24/7 as we can make possible and if you have any concerns please call us and we would be delighted to put you in touch with some of our many satisfied customers. As one of the premier
South Wales Web Design companies we are proud to offer these resilient services to customers requiring web hosting in South Wales.