Web Design and Proof reading Services for Wales.
We are website designers based in Wales and fluent in HTML, PHP, CSS, ASP, Javascript and most importantly "Plain English". We offer web design and proof reading services. Read the paragraph below and judge whether or not you would be happy for customers to see this on your website. Does this provide a professional image of your business? If not, why not use our proof-reading service? We will correct spelling, grammar, fragmented sentences etc.
Original ParagraphThe Computing Industry with its extrordinary rate of technalogical development creates a constant need for busnesses skilled in updating and advizing customers on computer-related issues in town, most potential customers are unhappy with most existing options, creating an attractive niche for an inovative start-up. Small busness PC users will provide the most of our money. Business Week expects the Computing Industry to grow at a rate of 12% and the Processor speeds to continue to expand for years to come - providing a rich resource for sales.
Proof-read and corrected paragraphThe very nature of the computing industry, with its extraordinary rate of technological development, creates a constant need for businesses skilled in updating and advising customers on computer-related issues. The majority of potential customers are dissatisfied with existing options, creating an attractive niche for an innovative start-up. Small business PC users will provide the majority of our business revenue. Business Week expects the computing industry to grow at a rate of 12% and the processor speeds to continue to expand for years to come, providing a rich resource for sales.
So, cut to the chase, how much?It depends on how much text is on your site, clearly sites with lots of text are going to take much more effort to check. The price structure is £.008 per word with a minimum number of 5000 words, please call and we will provide a quote or as a guide there are 334 words on this page so three pages like this page would cost only £40.00.
So if you want the services of a team who can properly recognise a split infinitive at 200 yds (or more simply change Swancea Webb Dezign into Swansea Web Design, then contact TCRM, top quality services for your web presence from Wales.
By the way do you know where the phrase "cut to the chase" comes from, I didn't, are you interested? Well try this link.