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Port Talbot Web Design from TCRM.

Earl Bathurst 5051 at Port Talbot ParkwayBased in the Port Talbot area? Need to create or improve your web site? Searching for a Web Design company that knows what they are doing but will not break the bank? You may have searched for Web Design, Web Designer, web site design along with Aberavon, Sandfields, Margam or something similar and found us. TCRM are not based in Port Talbot although the MD is actually from Neath but these days your web supplier can really be anywhere in the world. We do not support the Wizards. Nope. We are just good at what we do. This page is discovered by Google (or some other search engine) and has been ranked as a page worth showing because we targeted specific search terms and because the site is built in a way that google loves. TCRM are committed to the success of business in Wales, and if you want to succeed you need to contact us today because we can help you succeed.

Number 5 Blast Furnace located at the Port Talbot Corus Steel Plant South Wales UK
Your success is our success We want you to join the TCRM fold and get you site working for you.

TCRM strive to be:
  • Innovative
  • Responsive
  • Efficient
  • Cost Effective
  • Experts
  • Driven
You really do need the best - Web Sites of quality from a South Wales company that will help your business succeed and provide Port Talbot Web Design for the 21st century.

Local Events

Little girl saves her sister's life with amazing act
Sharelle Gilley has been diagnosed with leukaemia twice and one of her sister kindly came forward to help

'Despicable' thieves desecrate Welsh war memorial
The metal plaques commemorate those who lost their lives in the First and Second World Wars and every year poppy wreaths are laid before them to remember their sacrifice

Huge cannabis farms found in Welsh town after helicopter spots clue from the sky
A police helicopter "clearly showed" a strong heat source emanating from the addresses

The heartbreaking mystery of Jack O'Sullivan's five-month disappearance
Jack O'Sullivan has been missing since March after leaving a party in Bristol and family and friends have been desperately searching for him

Man who attacked mum and brother warned 'If the police don't catch me I'll come back and finish you off'
A judge told Matthew-Grant Davies it should be to his "eternal shame" that he raised his hands to his mother

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CF31 3LN
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